Dental Cleaning


Dental (Tooth) Cleaning

Clean! We stress on this word as regular dental cleaning certainly helps you maintain good oral health. Removal of hard calculus (tartar) and plaque deposits is a significant routine to preserve health of teeth and gums. Regular professional cleaning also helps you prevent bad breath and gum bleeding.

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Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning, also known as scaling is not a cosmetic treatment although it whitens teeth by removing harmful deposits and stains. We advise our customers to undergo professional dental cleaning at least once a year.

People often seem to have a misconception that dental cleaning is harmful for teeth and gums, which contradicts the truth. In fact, regular dental cleaning guarantees better dental health by preventing bleeding, making puffy gums and facilitating firmer attachment to teeth.

Some others believe that it might be good, but painful. May be, you have been caught by the wrong hands. When imparted under the direction of an expert who uses advanced ultrasonic scalers like French made Satellec, cleaning is a totally painless process. We use advanced tools and our experts are best at using it. We have a full time dental hygienist specialized in the use of advanced tools. Expert hands at Dr. Paul’s Dental Health Care are designed to ensure satisfaction.