Tooth Color Filling


Are you still living with those black coloured, leaking metallic fillings?. Do you know that Amalgum fillings are no longer used in many of the developed countries?.Replace your old metallic fillings with tooth colour fillings At Dr. Paul’s.

Tooth color fillings are safer and more attracitive alternative to the old Amalgum fillings that becomes black over a period of time due to the chemicals in them.

Doctors at Dr. Paul’s dental health care are able to provide you with perfect tooth colour fillings using world class composites like Ivoclar Vivadent and 3M nano composites or 3M ketac Molar N100 Glass Ionomers etc.

There are obviously many forms of bleaching. At Dr. Paul’s Dental Health Care, we practice in-office power whitening, which is one of the most effective methods, certainly without any side effects.

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Notice a case of lower anterior decays corrected by Dr. Saji Paulose in a single sitting.
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